La fonte è Examiner quindi in Inglese ma molto interessante da leggere.. come un “diario”… a voi:
11:57 a.m.: Oooh, stunning quad turn from Elisabetta Preziosa in warmups on floor. Yum. Vanessa Ferrari, floor: “Last of the Mohicans.” Very dramatic. Nice routine.
12:01 p.m.: Jazzy big band piece turns into soft ballet-style music box piece for Giorgia Campana after her first pass on floor. Strange mix of music, but well performed. She moves very nicely.
12:05 p.m.: Techno club music from Carlotta Ferlito on floor.
12:07 p.m.: Erika Fasana on floor
12:09 p.m.: Vanessa Ferrari on floor. Elisabetta Preziosa, who looks very cheerful and smiley with the coach, does a double pike, apparently for fun. Carlotta Ferlito works a triple full to single stag jump.
12:21 p.m.: On vault, Italy is showing one FTY, a couple of Yurchenko 1.5s and a double from Vanessa Ferrari (crunchy legs!) Erika Fasana warmed up three Yurchenko 1.5s and just went for a double. Carlotta Ferlito is doing a Yurchenko 1.5.
and so on…