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Friday’s feelings: check out our highlights!

Friday’s feelings: check out our highlights!

ERIKA FASANA has become the first italian gymnast who is able to do the “Chusovitina” on floor. She showed it in Florence, during the gala “Grand Prix Yomo Cup”. You can see it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGSJJGNHAik. In december she’ll be in Glasgow with Vanessa Ferrari for the World Cup.

ENUS MARIANI is back! After a year and a half from her last competition, she’s finally back and she performed at the Grand Prix. She showed her elegance on floor (the same of last year), on beam and on her favorite apparatus: uneven bars. She seems to be well and determined to shine again… and we’re sure about it!
The next week she’ll be in Mexico for the Abierto de Gimnasia, that will be her first competition after the pause.

CARLOTTA FERLITO after four years from the last time, that was in Birmingham during the Euros, has the tsukahara back on floor. You can see it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Erx8eI7f7pM

TOMMASO DE VECCHIS added the Kovacs on high bar.

LORENZO TICCHI, MATTEO MORANDI and ENRICO POZZO are back in the gym after their injuries and they were present in Florence.

VANESSA FERRARI is leaving for Stuttgart, where tomorrow she will compete at the World Cup. Gamba!

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